you know how some birders maintain a Life List of all the species they’ve identified? well I have that but for sea slugs (really opisthobranchs more broadly). I’m gonna add that as a page on my website because I can, because it’s neat, and because it’s funny1,2.

watch this space once I unpack my boxes of books3 and can flip through the books I probably tucked my active list into back in 2007. if I can’t find it I’ll reconstruct to the best of my ability, I think I was up to 25 species or something.

  1. did I draft this post in my head and only remember my URL when I actually started typing this sentence: yes ↩︎
  2. shoutout to nicky flowers for inspiring me to add more random pages to this website ↩︎
  3. home construction means I had to pack up four shelves of books so all of my marine science is temporarily inaccessible ↩︎

By Liz

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